When you run a small business, figuring out where to put your online ads can be difficult. You have a lot of options, and it’s usually best to use more than one. However, if you want to keep it to just one ad hosting site, we’d recommend that you use Google. Here are some reasons why you should use Google to host your ads.
They Have the Most Influence
Even though the best way to reach all your target audiences is to use multiple ad hosting sites, if you’re set on using only one, then use Google. Almost everyone uses it daily. It’s a part of our everyday lives, and because of that, it’s a great place to reach almost any target audience that you’re pursuing.
One of the reasons this is possible is due to the number of avenues Google can use for your ads. When people consider using Google for their needs, they assume it only covers search ads. However, it can be used for much more, such as displaying website ads, YouTube ads, and banner ads built into phone apps. When you use Google to host your ads, you have so many options to take advantage of.
They Give Small Businesses Many Tools To Use
The most important reason why you should use Google to host your ads is that they cater to small businesses whose owners don’t understand how online ads work. Over time, Google Ads will teach you what does and doesn’t work for your company through all of the performance statistics it gives you. You can easily see which ads people click on most often as well as which of those turn into sales. It’s an invaluable tool.
Plus, you can use other systems they have in place to set a budget for yourself and target certain geographical locations. The budget tool is perfect if you don’t have a lot of extra capital to spend on your ads. Once you hit your limit, your ads will stop, and you won’t get overcharged. Also, if your business isn’t big enough to service the entire United States, you can save money by setting your ads to only run in the areas you service.
They Are Pros in Advertising
The final reason to use Google is simply because they’ve become one of the most trusted pros in advertising in the industry. They were once well-known for not having any ads because they understood how annoying standard display and pop-up ads could be. They only introduced ads when they found a way to integrate them seamlessly into their design, which kept people from getting annoyed by their constant presence.
It hasn’t stopped there, though. Google is constantly evolving its advertising schemes. Most recently, they’ve introduced gallery ads. There is a lot to know about them, but they have to potential to reach people in ways that were never possible before.