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Outdoor Recreation Roundtable Testifies in Support of Two Outdoor Recreation Bills

Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s Senior Director, Ambreen Tariq, testified in support of two key outdoor recreation bills in the House Committee on Natural Resources: the Improving Outdoor Recreation Coordination Act (H.R. 3107) and the Gateway Community and Recreation Enhancement Act (H.R. 3200).

The two bills would help the federal government work better for businesses, states, the communities who rely on outdoor recreation infrastructure, lands and waters, and the American people who enjoy them. Additionally the bills could boost sales of RV and boats, which can boost RV and boat storage as well. 

“I would also like to express our appreciation to the sponsors of these bipartisan pieces of legislation – Representatives Zinke, Peltola, Neguse, Lawler, and more – whose leadership on these bills will help strengthen coordination and focus on the recreation economy for both federal agencies and rural communities,” Tariq began. “Both recreation bills discussed today are wins for Republicans and Democrats, American businesses, and the American people – not just today’s recreationists but also future generations of outdoor lovers who we hope will gain the same benefits we do from time spent in nature.”

ORR urges members to swiftly pass these bills and package them with other bipartisan recreation priorities that don’t cost taxpayers a dime, into a recreation package by the end of the year.

Go deeper: Read Ambreen’s full testimony.



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