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RVs Move America Week Hits Washington, D.C., in June

RVs Move America Week event is scheduled for June 2-6, 2024 in Washington, DC.

The annual event begins with two days of committee meetings where volunteers from across the RV industry collectively work to build a strategic roadmap to help define future growth of the $140 billion dollar RV industry. In addition to committee meetings, participants will gain insight on the state of the RV industry from association leaders and on the policies of the administration from political speakers. Attendees will rub elbows with federal policymakers and industry innovators, forging relationships beneficial to the future growth of the RV market.

As the impact of RV industry continues to grow, its influence in Washington is vital for the future success of the industry. It’s more important than ever to make your voice heard and advocate for the federal reforms our industry needs to truly thrive. 

The schedule for this crucial industry event is now available. 



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