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Vanishing Van Life: RV Living Is Out, But RV Travel Is In

By The Storage Group

It was inevitable that the van life trend would sputter out eventually. Like most trends, the planning seemed smart, the results dazzling, but the reality in the execution was not only difficult to set up but too challenging to maintain as well, and the fad flopped.

Even with attractive characteristics, such as a small living space, minimalist functionality, and a nomadic lifestyle, the positives of full-time RV living could not outweigh the negatives. Cramped living quarters and the unsustainability to permanently live at work and travel have proven to be an immense undertaking that most people don’t have the time and money for. 

However, that does not mean that travelers have given up on their RV dreams just yet. Though the trend of van living is going by the wayside, travel in an RV is on the rise. According to the RV Industry Association, 67 million Americans plan to travel in their RVs this year. With so many hopeful travelers, you can take advantage of the travel season by utilizing your RV storage facility to its fullest potential.

Below are some of the main struggles that van dwellers must deal with. Consider how your facility can address the needs of those who wish to travel in their vans and RVs.


Parking is a challenge for those who want to live life on the open road. Van dwellers are in a constant state of needing overnight parking for their vehicles so they can sleep and refill on necessities like food, water and fuel.

This is where your facility steps in. Though you don’t want to encourage people living in their RVs while on your property since your property is there for the purpose of storing large vehicles, you can bring in the revenue from the amenities van lifers need while traveling. It is also convenient for long-term tenants who keep their vehicles at your facility.

Whether you offer covered or uncovered, indoor or outdoor storage, the dwindling population of those living the nomadic lifestyle can take advantage of your facility to refuel, recharge and hit the road again. And when these van lifers have had their fill but want to keep their RVs, you are a familiar spot on their radar. The fading fad of van life may take the shine out of full-time van living, but the travel bug has bitten enough people that the need for storing their recreational vehicles is still there.


For those transitioning away from van life or for those who are trying to make it work, your facility can accommodate the space a person lacks in their RV. If your facility caters exclusively to outdoor vehicles, consider adding amenities such as shipping and postal services. Outfit your premises with features such as wash bays and dump stations. If you limit these features to paying customers, you can also create additional revenue streams from these amenities.

Last year’s surge in RV manufacturing has left a lot of professionals in the recreational vehicle storage industry uncertain about the future of their facilities. Even with sales slowing down, there is no doubt that the RVs and vans that were made in surplus will sell, and those purchasers will be itching to go out and explore. And when the new wears off, your facility will be there to ensure the safety of people’s big investments.

Trends come and go, but your facility is a fixture in your community. Ride out the wave of the craze and when the dust settles, your building will be left standing as an alternative to van living. If you need help navigating marketing your RV storage facility to this market and beyond, partner up with Toy Storage Nation. We are the voice of the recreational vehicle storage industry, and we can help you let your voice be heard. Contact us today to get started on your marketing strategy.

The Storage Group has a team of experts specializing in the self-storage industry that offers digital marketing services as well as innovative software solutions. The Storage Group provides self-storage business owners with industry-leading marketing campaigns and online technology tools to improve their facilities’ online presence, drive higher conversion rates and increase revenue.

Kick Start Your RV and Boat Storage Success

The nation’s biggest RV and boat storage workshop returns to Las Vegas, April 5, 2024. TSN’s “Best Practices for Executive RV & Boat Storage Facilities Workshop” is designed to give developers, operators and investors the knowledge, network and inspiration needed to supersede their expectations for success in this soaring industry.

Included on the agenda is a dynamic marketing presentation by The Storage Group’s Steve Lucas, providing guidance on how to find the right marketing mix for your facility, along with tips for using digital marketing to maximize occupancy rates.

Learn more and register.



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