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Don’t Miss Part 2 of TSN Podcast on 2024 RV and Boat Storage Market

Toy Storage Nation, the No. 1 resource for RV and boat storage developers, owners, operators and investors, recently launched “TSN Conversations Unplugged,” a podcast featuring industry experts discussing all angles of achieving success within this emerging asset class. 

Toy Storage Nation President Amy Bix kicks off each session with probing conversation-starters, engaging her guests in raw, honest dialogue to produce an unedited recording that offers unique insights into this skyrocketing industry and the people who are driving its growth.

Episode 4 aims to answer the question, “Why does Class A RV & boat storage make sense when considering the current market?”

Featured guests include Barry Sherman, Partner/Principal of S3 Partners; Neil Dyer, Vice President of Acquisitions & Development, Madison Capital Group; and Tyson Huebner, Director of Research at Yardi Matrix.

Check out the TSN podcasts and watch this episode.

Interested in learning more about RV and boat storage development, investing, owning and operating? Toy Storage Nation’s next Executive RV and Boat Storage Workshop in St. Louis, June 7, will give you the headstart you need to achieve success. Learn more, register today.  



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