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Georgia County Denies RV/Boat Storage Facility

The Hall County Board of Commissioners in Georgia unanimously denied a series of requests at its meeting Thursday evening which would have allowed for the construction of a boat and RV storage facility on Cleveland Highway.

The requests relating to the 20-acre property at 3405, 3419, 3443, 3505 Cleveland Highway and 3906 Donna Drive were initially scheduled to be up for vote on Nov. 9, 2023, but were tabled at that meeting.

Executive workshop in St. LouisThe applications from Dutton Properties were recommended for denial by Hall County Planning Staff, with staff citing inconsistencies with the county’s comprehensive plan. The Hall County Planning Commission then recommended approval of two of the requests at their meeting on Oct. 2. However, the third request pertaining to the property was recommended for denial. 

Had the items been approved, the development would have been used for boat and RV storage and would have had a 10,800-square-foot warehouse for a contractor’s office.



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