Snow Peak, a renowned Japanese outdoor gear company, has unveiled its latest project, Campfield Long Beach, on the coast of Washington state. This development, which represents a $20 million transformation of a former RV campground, aims to provide a unique camping experience.
The trend in campsite improvements and transitions to enhance the outdoor experience can be seen across the country in RV parks and extension of well-known hotel chains offering glamping opportunities. The revolution follows alongside growth in RV storage as well, an attractive segment of the self-storage market that continues to explode to meet growing demand.
Situated on 25 acres, Campfield Long Beach offers a variety of amenities including tent sites, micro cabins, a sauna, a store, a lounge and Japanese-style bathrooms. The area is adorned with trees, meadows, ponds, and frequent visits from roaming deer.
A highlight of the Campfield is the opportunity for forest bathing, a popular Japanese practice of immersing oneself in nature for relaxation. “It’s just relaxing and being in nature,” explained Noah Reis, Snow Peak’s vice president of U.S. operations.
The campground’s design is also notable, with buildings featuring charred wood paneling and honey-stained trim.
To preserve the natural setting, cars are restricted to the parking lot, and campers must transport their belongings using carts.
Snow Peak in Japan
Founded in 1958 by Yukio Yamai in Niigata Prefecture, Snow Peak originally specialized in outdoor gear. In the 1980s, Yamai’s son, Toru Yamai, shifted the company’s focus to camping equipment, launching the first Snow Peak campground in Japan in 2009.
Campfield Long Beach
Campfield Long Beach is Snow Peak’s first U.S. campground, adding to its 14 locations in Japan. The coastal site in Long Beach was selected for its proximity to Puget Sound and Portland, and it underwent extensive rehabilitation, including the restoration of ponds and wetlands.
The campground offers various accommodation options, from DIY tent sites starting at $40 per night to tent suites at $120 per night, which include gear setup. Premium options include jyubakos, or micro cabins designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, starting at $130 per night.
Additionally, the Campfield features an ofuro (spa) with a sauna lined with Hinoki cypress, a hot pool, and a cold plunge pool.
Snow Peak’s approach at Campfield Long Beach provides valuable insights for developers and campground owners looking to create appealing camping destinations. By offering a range of camping options, the development caters to diverse preferences and budgets.
For more information about Snow Peak Campfield Long Beach, visit